I received this mail. It is very unfortunate, as you know it was I and Brian Smith, who founded the WPF in 1999 with legal
federation status. The original WPF, as I legally founded and properly registered, is registered accordingly with the proper authorities. There is no argument around this. It is amusing,
that other persons have not founded any platform of their own. They have pirated the name of the federation I founded and also the logo, which was a gift to me from Ward Ralston, my nephew and
Microsoft manager in Seattle. To suggest Gerhard Holleitner is withholding funds in no way states the truth. All procedures are well documented and Gerhard is acting in total correct procedure. Any
claims against this are simply untrue.
It is your right to proceed with a sport platform. No-one questions this. But please, if only out of friendship and respect, do not
pirate a platform I founded and built before I left the sport.
Carl Smith - founder of the WPF 1999
WM WPF 2018 November
PL Gruppe 1 WM 2018.pdf
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PL Gruppe 2 WM 2018.pdf
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PL Gruppe 3 WM 2018.pdf
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PL Gruppe 5 WM 2018.pdf
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Benchpress Gruppe 1 WM 2018.pdf
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Benchpress Gruppe 2 WM 2018.pdf
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Benchpress Gruppe 3 WM 2018.pdf
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Benchpress Gruppe 4 WM 2018.pdf
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Benchpress Gruppe 5 WM 2018.pdf
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Deadlift Gruppe 1 WM 2018.pdf
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Deadlift Gruppe 2 WM 2018.pdf
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WPF WM 2013 Coburg Resultate
World Powerlifting Ferderation
Powerlifting, Benchpress, Deadlift, & RAW
WPF Weltmeisterschaft 1-3 November 2013 in Coburg weitere infos folgen in Kürze
Dear members,
I have spoken with Gerhard Holleitner concerning
the use of knee wraps for the raw division.
the use of knee wraps for the raw division.
The meeting, where the decision was taken regarding
their use, was declared invalid.
their use, was declared invalid.
Therefore, decisions made at that meeting
cannot be in effect for this years world
cannot be in effect for this years world
The old rule must apply for the championships in
November in Germany.
November in Germany.
Some members will be pleased and some not
We ask you to understand, as the WPF must again be
run properly.
run properly.
The item of knee wraps will be placed on the agenda
for the 2013 Annual General Meeting, where it will be voted upon
for the 2013 Annual General Meeting, where it will be voted upon
I have received info, the Championships will be
held in Germany on the first weekend of November - Friday - Sunday, November
held in Germany on the first weekend of November - Friday - Sunday, November
You will be notified of the city in the next couple
days, as I wrote in my last mail.
days, as I wrote in my last mail.
Thank you very much for your mails of support. I
appreciate them.
appreciate them.
It is not my ambition to "run" the WPF. I will
overlook it and see that the decisions and affairs YOU make are done
overlook it and see that the decisions and affairs YOU make are done
The legal structures have been put back into place.
This will provide the proper platform for your athletes and recognition of their
This will provide the proper platform for your athletes and recognition of their
best wishes !
Carl Smith
WPF President